Our President's annual report
Hi everyone
Here's the speech by our President, David Lear, at the club AGM.
It's worth highlighting this part of his speech thanking all the volunteers who organised the National Road Relays this year. But he also singled out Judith Uhlenberg, who is retiring from the ACA committee, for all her work.
"I must single out Judith Uhlenberg who quietly gets on organizing us all. It is incredible how much she does. Judith is always at events and sorting out teams for us and of course the prize giving, Judith has sorted all of this out."
Hear, hear. And thank you Judith from ACA.
Auckland City Athletics Club
Annual Report 2018
Presented to Annual General Meeting
Sunday 14 October 2018, 3pm
Outline of format for AGM & Prizegiving
Welcome to: athletes, our coaches, parents and family of athletes, and those who simply support and help the Club because they love doing it.
Introduce myself…David Lear, Club President, my pleasure to run this afternoon’s proceedings.
We are here in celebration of the conclusion of another year of Track & Field, Cross Country & Road. This year we have again a combined Annual General Meeting Summer and Winter season prizegiving
The format for this afternoon is:
1) Formal parts of the AGM: Apologies, Minutes, Season Reports, Finance, Committee elections
2) Then we’ll have the Winter and Summer Prizegiving’s, which will be run by Judith Uhlenburg in her capacity as Chairman of our Winter committee, covering the 2018 Cross Country and Road season. And then we’ll conclude with afternoon tea.
Annual General Meeting
1)Attendance Register
Circulating…please complete
2)Apologies None given
Approval of Minutes of last AGM, held Sun 13th Oct 2017.
Approved at the next Exec meeting
4)President’s Annual Report
This has once again been a very busy and successful year as you will shorty see during our prize giving.
The T&F season was some time ago and we had some successes at Auckland Champs and NZ Champs. We will find out later who won. The Akld Champs are also our champs as well, so time to double up and try to give them a go
Club nights have started again – Wednesdays at 6 pm.
As for the winter season, there were some changes
The Southland relays were held at Sacred heart college and it all went really well, a nice flat course which everyone could see all the runners. The venue was well received as was the new venue for the Pairs race
Waiatarua reserve.
The Grand prix – went well and we had some good results – at some races there were not many ACA runners
Junior relays – the runners that participated ran well but we struggling to put teams together at many of these junior relay events due to lack of ACA runners
This was a bit of a problem for the National Road Relays as well.
The last few years we have taken 6 teams but this year we only managed to take 4. We were back to Christchurch again
The senior men did really well coming 5th even with a couple of late withdrawals. Jono will be telling us more this later during prize giving
The junior girls did even better, keeping up the tradition of this team always being in the top 3 and did so again, coming 3rd, although this was partly because of a time penalty awarded to another team, thanks Paul, who is a referee.
We had two social teams as we couldn’t get a Senior women’s team or masters men’s team
We had so much fun though
The master’s men social team actually coming home first of all the social teams. Unfortunately, we had a bit more than a time penalty and were disqualified, Paul couldn’t do anything about this one! His offer of a coffee to one of referees just didn’t do it
Thanks to those that helped out during the year and we can always use more volunteers
I think this year has highlighted how much we rely on our volunteers, there are not many of us
At the National Road Relays I thanked Jeremy Rees for all the work he did raising money for us to subsidise the cost. It cost us $150 but the actual cost would have been $700 or more. It is such a great club event, it would be really good to get back to 6 teams next year, at Fielding.
Greg Banks does such a lot behind the scenes entering teams and looking after the finances
Kerry Rodger who does the winter training at Cornwall park, Kerry will tell us more about the coaches later
Paul Craddock who almost single handedly looks after club night, apparently, there are only 4 people that run the whole event
But I must single out Judith Uhlenberg who quietly gets on organizing us all. It is incredible how much she does. Judith is always at events and sorting out teams for us and of course the prize giving, Judith has sorted all of this out
I really don’t know what we would do without these people and sorry to those of you I haven’t personally mentioned but the club owes you all a huge thank you
However, we need more athletes and more volunteers. For example at club nights, Paul will train you, you don’t need to be an expert, just love athletics, which we all do. It’s actually great to be on the other side, and marshall, be a judge, help out, we don’t always need to compete. I enjoy pacing half marathons and marathons rather than race
Our numbers have been falling gradually over the last few years
We have obviously realized this and we are doing something about it
Simon Yarrow who is here has put a huge amount of work and effort into organizing the Central Hub
The central hub is 5 junior clubs Pt Chev, Hillsborough, Eastern, Roskill South and Ellerslie and us
The idea, briefly is for us, as the senior club to provide coaches on the Junior club nights and encourage the athletes to stay in the sport, come over to us when they leave their junior club. So they are feeder clubs for us. But we have to be proactive to make this happen
Once a month the junior clubs have been invited to join our club night to see what happens and what they can do once they leave their junior club.
This means though we need more coaches and helpers
If you are interested please see Simon if you would like to become a coach. You will be paid! $50 an evening, you can do as much as you would like. However, you would have to do some training to become a coach. We are thinking any age can be a coach but high school students and uni students might be interested. I’m sure Simon would give you more information if you are interested
And of course Paul needs more help on Wednesdays
Maybe consider a career in coaching? You would be given a start by joining the process involved in the central hub
Our Coaching team is undoubtedly our most significant resource of the Club, and is our key. I would like to ask Kerry Rodger to say a few words on the subject of our Coaches.
Kerry Rodger
Great speech encouraging others to become coaches
In addition to our Coaches we have many many keen helpers; our Executive Committee, our Summer and Winter Committees, our Grade convenors, our marshalls, those who put the cones and tape out and those who bring it in again, Dianne Craddock in her extremely important role as Convenor of the overall Cross Country Committee for Athletics Auckland, and many others. We are indeed fortunate to have the numbers of people who are happy to put their hand up and do their bit to ensure our athletes have the best opportunity for success.
Each year I convey the gratitude of the whole Club to all of you who have given of your time can, once again I say “a very sincere and well deserved …… thank you”. And most importantly we don’t ever take the voluntary work of so many for granted.
That concludes my President’s Report.
Propose resolution accepting my annual report …seconder…any discussion….in favour, to contrary, carried.
Treasurer’s Report (Greg Banks)
Copies of accounts available, abbreviated and full sets…(hand out)
Greg would like to propose a resolution accepting the financial report and adopting the accounts for the year ended 31 March 2018 … and I would like to second )…discussion….in favour, to contrary, carried.
Paul Craddock, seconded David Lear
Greg also proposes a Resolution that Keith MacKinley be reappointed as auditor for the year ended 31 March 2019.…seconder RA…discussion….in favour, to contrary, carried.
David Lear, seconded Paul Craddock
Club Structure: Executive, Winter, Summer Committee
Role of Committees, need for new members
Whilst I am delighted that many of our Committee members are prepared to help again in the coming year, I am very keen to take further nominations today, of some of you for whom it is the right time to do your bit to help the Club, as I do know that we need a steady stream of new parents and athletes to put up their hand, literally, and to help our Club and its members.
For Summer Committee:
The Summer Committee works fairly informally and is ably assisted by our coaching team. Chaired by Paul Craddock, the composition of this Committee is
Paul Craddock: Chairman
Paul Lothian
Neil Bartlett
Sue Potter
For Winter Committee:
Judith Uhlenberg: Chairman Retiring
Paul Craddock
Dianne Craddock
Barry Magee
Jono Jackson
Kerry Rodger
Grace Wood
David Lear
The Executive Committee.
David Lear: President
Greg Banks: Treasurer, Membership
Paul Craddock: Chairman of Track & Field Committee
Judith Uhlenberg: Chairman of Cross Country & Road Committee and Secretary
Jeremy Rees: Website & Communications Fundraising Retiring
Kerry Rodger: coaching
we should assume that all are prepared to restand for next year. However, we need at least one, preferably two, further nominations. We definitely need more parents or adult athletes helping out over the Winter season.
In closing I would like to again sincerely thank those, not only on the Executive Committee, but on our Winter and Summer committees too, who have given hours and hours of their time to help in an administrative role for the Club.
Especially on the Exec Committee, those who have not only given many hours, but who have for many years… We as a Club have been very fortunate to have their continuity, and I have been particularly fortunate to benefit from their positive contribution and experience during my time as President.
Propose resolution accepting nominations for Winter, Summer and Executive committees…seconder ( )…in favour, to contrary, carried.
Forgot to do
7) General Business
There has been no notice given to me of any General Business, although happy to pause and see if there are any questions that anyone would like to raise in this forum?
Concludes the formalities; Collect Attendance Register
Declare the AGM closed at 3.39 pm.
Prize giving
David Lear
14 October 2018