It's winter run time
Hi everyone
We're gearing up for the winter season. Here's the note on enrolment which has just gone out.
If you want to take part, check it out.
Welcome to the 2018 Winter cross country and road season which is approaching fast.
ACA registrations are currently open for the 2018-2019 season. Click here for early enrolment.
Here are the first races:
Saturday 7th April 2018 – ACA Open Day (Cream bun fun run) – 2pm Cornwall park Cricket clubrooms
This is open to all new and current members
Bring your running shoes as there will be a group run and cream buns to eat afterwards
ACA coaches and Committee members will be there for any questions you may have
Saturday 14th April – Southlands Centennial Relays – Sacred Heart College grounds
Details are attached.